I'm QuillDancer
From United States
I believe in approaching life with humor. I mean, there's no point in taking it too seriously, it's not like we're going to get out alive. So step inside and prepare to laugh...
Private Tool Shed

"The surest way to be happy is to seek happiness for others."
Martin Luther King
- Cracked
- Who, me?
- Brat-Child Strikes Again
- 3.5 Seconds
- My Lil Darlin's
- Snuggles
- Huffy Fluffy Fluffed
- Tomatoes Souped
- Christmas In July
- Look At ME!
- Dear Jenn
- Pastry Mystery
- Before/After
- My Fluffy Hero
- Pleading for Feeding
- Christmas Silliness
- Unplugged
- Lord Flufferson
- Happy Birthday, Christmas!
- Merry Christmas
- Christmas Cookies
- Christmas Meme
- Perfect? NOT!
- Post 300 & a Meme
- Winter in Vegas
- Dilemma Solved
- Dilemma
- Attitude Adjustment
- June 2006
- July 2006
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- June 2009

Wednesday, December 27, 2006
- Oahu: Paradise Vacation
- Quilly Cooks
- Matthew 28:19
- Bits of Me in Poetry
- The Grown-Ups Wanted Us Dead
- Blog Surfers Anonymous
- O'Ceallaigh's Felloffatruck Publications
- Annals of A Snow Bird
- As I Was Passing
- Belle of The Brawl
- Brooke's Musings
- Chronicles of Cindra
- The Chrysalis Stage
- Controlled Chaos
- Donnak's Blog
- Dr. John's Fortress
- A Dragon's Wish
- Glimpses Intangible
- Highland Dreams
- The Ice Queen
- The Old Fart's Blog
- Old Fart's Furry Family
- The Southern View
- Tom's Rhetoric
- Treemendous
- A Twist of Humor
- Up the Hudson ...
- Venusberg
- Waking Ambrose
- The Bestest Blog of All Time

Yummy. :)
Brian -- the cats thought so.
Sorry, Charlie. I guess this really confirms your low opinion of cats.
What?!! Tasted like CHICKEN??
I've always thought beagles tasted like liver, so I rarely eat those floppy eared creatures any more. :)
It was so nice to have you stop by! I've seen you over at Douglas's wordy blog, but I don't believe I've ever paid you a visit. I'm glad I came by.
I see that you were spreading some Good News on Christmas Day too! I just LOVE Christmas, and I'm always a bit sad when it is over.
I do enjoy the fact that the holiday season gives me a great excuse to eat goodies from Thanksgiving to New Years, and then pick it right back up again come Valentine's Day.
Happy Holidays to YOU!!
Jamie Dawn -- welcome. Come back anytime. You'll find I spread Christmas cheer year round. This year I have any far fewer goodies in the entire holiday season than ever in my life. In fact, I received for Christmas a lovely box of chocolates that remain in their package, unopened.
Those cats must have been Siamese. Or maybe Chinese ...
Siamese -- yes -- in part. Now, part beagle as well ....
I'm having a little trouble seeing the humor. Maybe its just me.
What's the matter, Dawg? Feeling a bit fowl?
LOL, Quilly your remark to Doug was BRILLIANT! Just brilliant!
HIHIHIHIHI *snickers*
Quilly, bite me!
Actually, you too, Minka :)
OK, yeah, that was good.
Doug, Thank you for the kind offer, but I really must decline. Besides, I have a feeling your hide is far too tough.
You donæt need to ask me twice ;)
*jabs her teeth right in*
Minka -- grin for me. I don't believe I've ever considered a penguin's teeth.
You have to look between the beak ;)
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