I'm QuillDancer
From United States
I believe in approaching life with humor. I mean, there's no point in taking it too seriously, it's not like we're going to get out alive. So step inside and prepare to laugh...
Private Tool Shed

"The surest way to be happy is to seek happiness for others."
Martin Luther King
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Tuesday, December 19, 2006
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Here's a thought upon a time
I hope it's not ephemeral:
If the neater the desk means the sicker the mind,
Then I'm the Surgeon General.
- Ensking Kooper
Ooh so pretty, no clutter, no dust
Just an angel waiting there to give some human rest. Love at Christmas!
See!!!! What did I just tell you. A perfectly clean desk. :)
OC -- You can run, but you'll just trip over the stack of novels I took off the desk and put on the floor for the pic ....
Pauline -- there will be clutter before the end of the day.
Brian -- not only demented, delusional as well.
OC -- look very closely at the comp screen in the pic.
Charlie -- relax. I've already tossed the calendar and a notepad down on it to cut the glare -- besides, you can't see it from Glasgow!.
I actually wondered for a second, did Quilly clean her home desk or her class desk. Hey, don't laugh, there are apples as in for the teacher on the curtains. :)
Quilly, how often do I have to tell you about bills? FIRST, you pay 'em, and THEN you toss 'em.
funny, I recognized the page on the monitor before it was pointed out :-p
and don't worry, the kitties will trash it while she's gone
Sar -- home -- my school desk (I cleaned it as well) is govt. issue gray metal.
Al -- every bill I tossed is paid. Honest. Checks are in the mail.
Terrace -- but then you know me, so weould have been surprised to find it anything else ...
Looks pretty good, Quill.
Regarding the attitude adjustment I have realized to do what makes me happy and if others have a problem with it, it is their problem....
Lori -- yep.
Make it messy again. My eyes are hurting.
Wait till you need the stuff that used to be on there. Your attitude seems fine so somebody else must need the adjustment.
Dr. John -- I sorted through the stuff that was on the desk three times before I tossed anything. Mostly it was novels and CDs needing put away.
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