Happy Birthday, Christmas!
Hello. My name is Christmas and today I am one year old. Yep, just one year ago today my cat momma had me C-section. It only cost my people momma $330.00. Of course, some of that was for my brother and sister, so if you average it out, we only cost $130.00 each. That's not bad, right? (Why does my people momma choke whenever I say that?)
I was born no bigger than my people momma's thumb. I was pink and shivering and had no hair. The vet said I wouldn't live. Funny, I look pretty healthy, don't I?
My left rear leg isn't very strong. I have a little problem with my balance and sometimes I just tip over for no reason. I can still run and play, but I don't jump as well as other cats. My people momma loves me anyway.
You may pay homage and sing Happy Birthday to me.
Me? You mean me? Someone is actually INVITING me to sing? As opposed to offering me money NOT to?? LOL
Hap-py Birth-day to you, hap-py birth-day to yoooooooou. Hap-py Birth-day dear Christ-mas, hap-py birth-day to yooooooooou.
Happy B-Day to Christmas, happy B-Day to you! Your're beautiful and loved, Happy one year to you!!!
Happy Birthday Christmas, and many more!
Jackie -- even with the sound tured off I heard you clearly. I believe it is seared into my brain ... but it sounds like love.
Pauline -- I love your version of the birthday song. I sang it for Christmas -- she took it as her due.
Consider it done, and a happy Christmas to you Quilldancer as well as best wishes for a Happy New Year.
The name
is Christmas
and don't you forget
I am the cat
that broke the bank
give me them jewels
and all that loot
cause mommy
needs to
get outa hock.
Happy Rap to you Christmas. :)
Happy Birthday, Christmas! And Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to your people Momma ;)
Bazza -- thank you. I didn't hear the song, but I am sure you sang it.
Brian -- Chrissy appreciates the rap.
Dabich -- Chrissy is taking it all in as her due. After today she will be twice as convinced she is all that.
You two are lucky to have eachother. Happy Birthday, Christmas... And Happy New Year to you and your People Momma!
Should we call you PM for short? lol
I would love to sing for a cat. they aren't nearly as judgemental as humans. Happy birthday Christmas.
Rob -- I do love my Chrissy. She loves to cuddle and purr.
Dr. John -- Chrissy seems to think my singing is wonderful, so she'd probably be truly happy with yours.
I am bowing very low in homage. Ouch, help me back up, please.
Happy Birthday, Christmas.
Awwww, I hope a Merry Christmas and Happy Birthday was shared. Your cat has a Christmas tree on it's nose - how amazing is that!
Nessa -- a butterfly bowing to a cat. Now that's a sweet picture.
Sar -- now that you mention it, it does kind of look like a Christmas tree, doesn't it?
Happy Birthday Christmas.Beautiful cat.
Wish you guys well and Happy New year
Happy birthday, Christmas. That's a great looking cat. Even from a dog's perspective.
Happy Birthday Christmas! You must be special indeed, you cost more than my two oldest children together.
Happy Birthday Christmas
Haimish and Alexander send Hugs and Kisses and wish you a wonderful day.
They hope your Mommie has a special treat on your Special Day.
Wow, what a helathy beuaty to behold. long live...
ok, I overdid it, didn´t I?
I have to second Sar, when I saw your cat´s name I thought it is called Christmas because of teh tree on its nose. Until I figured the date :) I am quite slow, I just hope you admire that as much in humans as you do in cats :)
Happy Birthday and do not worry, I tip over on a daily basis myself!
zingtrail -- thank you and Happy New Year to you.
Doug -- wallet-section; and Chrissy acknowledges her beauty, thank you.
Kat -- the vet allowed me to make two payments. He was really nice.
Bill -- all her birthday present money was spent the day she was born.
Minka -- Chrissy says you are not over doing it and by all means, continue.
Lori -- Chrissy got so excited over the special canned cat food, a very rare treat, that she fell into it face first. Fluffy helped her clean up.
Happy Birthday Christmas! You truely are special to be born on such a holliday! I love the Christmas Tree on your nose, you are such a good looker! Christmas, don't worry I too tip over for no good reason at all. I have even tipped over and broken bones, but that's a whole nother story!
Please wish your people momma a late Merry Christmas for me.
Jan -- Chrissy is quite full of herself after a day of adoration.
Thanks for the best wishes and Happy Holidays to you!
Merry Birthday Christmas! You're so cute I want to tickle your chin.
Ricky says Happy Birthday, Christmas!
Oh what a sweetie, I have a soft spot for kitties, and especially ones who have gotten a rough start. I have a tendency to gravitate towards things that need extra care. The mothering instint I suppose. Anyway it looks like you did a fine job, she is a beauty...
Happy Birthday Chrissy.....mas....
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