We Are the Champions ....
I am the offical winner of the caption contest at Belle of the Brawl's place!
"I know I only need five squares. I'm trying to decide which five!" ~ Quilldancer
I most certainly did not win this on my own. I have to thank Donna, Jenn, Nessa, Betty, Lori, Cindy, Bill, my sister, Jackie, and Rob -- that I know of. All of them awesome friends. I probably have a few anonymous clickers to thank as well.
Your blog is so much fun to just look at. The summer ends and we must all face decisions. Back to reality, even my horoscope said deal with it...more or less. Keep up the fun posts!
Oh, I love your thank you quill.
Congratulations on a well deserved win.
That was one of the best captions ever, congratulations. And the promotion was fearless.
Pauline and Nessa -- you both make me feel so good! I love you sweet words.
Doug -- is "fearless" the same as "prideless?"
I am so happy for you quilly, congratulations. This blog makes my days feel bright and wonderful!!
I am glad we blog together with Rob.
I truly enjoy the company of you both. Take care
Ditto what goldennib said! :)
Congratulations on your win. Of all the captions, yours was by far the best.
Congratulations, but that monkey should be spanked for making such a mess.
Yeah Quilly!!!! You won!! It was a great caption, too and it deserved to win!
Quilldancer, a fair bit like that, yeah.
At first I thought someone caught me with one of those cell phone cameras, then when I saw NO GRAY HAIR, I realized it wasn't me after all! ~ jb///
Coeeee! Another victory for Quilly! You should start keeping a file!
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