I'm QuillDancer
From United States
I believe in approaching life with humor. I mean, there's no point in taking it too seriously, it's not like we're going to get out alive. So step inside and prepare to laugh...
Private Tool Shed

"The surest way to be happy is to seek happiness for others."
Martin Luther King
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Wednesday, July 19, 2006
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Sorry I scared you with the jellyfish. Hope it wasn't too traumatic.
And thanks for the visit---Welcome to Wordless Wednesday
Thank you for visiting my blog. GREAT WW!!!! Take a look at http://enterthelaughter.com/blog/2006/07/19/wordless-wednesday-7/ and you will see a blog roll for WW particpants, check them out and make some comments and you will get more visitors to your WW!!!
God Bless,
Thank you for visiting my blog. GREAT WW!!!! Take a look at http://enterthelaughter.com/blog/2006/07/19/wordless-wednesday-7/ and you will see a blog roll for WW particpants, check them out and make some comments and you will get more visitors to your WW!!!
God Bless,
Ha ha ha. My little guy is making me play it over and over now ;) - he loves it, I have to say it isn't as funny the 10th time tho ;).
Thanks for stopping by my WW, now this is too cute but now it is stuck in my head.....lol.
Happy Wednesday, and welcome to the group.
Can't watch it right now (at work)... But i did come by! That's something at least....
thats cool! never seen a video for ww! mine is up!
My favorite song! That was too cute! (You have too much free time on your hands, girl)! Love you, J.
To my anonymous sister J. whom I adore -- the summer off is to make up for the very busy school year when I am booked solid 7 days a week ....
Very cute!!! (Though, it wasn't wordless!! hee hee) I like to break rules too! ;)
Thanks for stopping by today, Happy Wednesday!
No, it wasn't wordless -- but I justified it by thinking, "Well, they don't have to read it!
I love this song. I always dance to it just like the dog. People stare, but I don't care!
That was too cute. That songs always reminds me of FRIENDS...and Joey doing that high pitched squealy bit.
Hi Quilly- just wanted to let you know that I thought of the same thing you did- Kirk can be a witness while he is serving his sentence. From what Beth tells me he has asked the Lord for forgiveness and deliverance. Praise God!
This really made me laugh..they're cute though.
Thanks for dropping and welcome to the Wordless Wednesday. Hope to see you often.
I LOVE that song!! LOL! Too cute! Happy WW to you! Thanks for stopping by my place! :)
Hi Charlene,
I did, I did
But my humble bunch of daisies just seemed ...
Where do you find all these fun links? Thanks for stopping by the blog. I put up some more pictures of the cats and on the main blog posted some more pictures of Calgary. It was really hot the day I took these pictures and it would have been cool on the Bow in a Speed Boat.
Hey there, I was visiting my buddy Ricardo's blog and he took the nerd test, I thought I'd take it over and answer the questions correctly, I am now slightly Nerdy.
It was so good we will excuse the facty that its not really wordless.
It was so good we will excuse the facty that its not really wordless.
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