I'm QuillDancer
From United States
I believe in approaching life with humor. I mean, there's no point in taking it too seriously, it's not like we're going to get out alive. So step inside and prepare to laugh...
Private Tool Shed

"The surest way to be happy is to seek happiness for others."
Martin Luther King
- Cracked
- Who, me?
- Brat-Child Strikes Again
- 3.5 Seconds
- My Lil Darlin's
- Snuggles
- Huffy Fluffy Fluffed
- Tomatoes Souped
- Christmas In July
- Look At ME!
- Dear Jenn
- Pastry Mystery
- Before/After
- My Fluffy Hero
- Pleading for Feeding
- Christmas Silliness
- Unplugged
- Lord Flufferson
- How I'm Feeling Right Now
- Huffy Fluffy Fluffed
- This Day
- Snuggles
- Reader Response Required
- Oxymoron
- My Lil Darlings
- A Walk on the Cyberside
- After A While
- 3.5 Seconds
- June 2006
- July 2006
- August 2006
- September 2006
- October 2006
- November 2006
- December 2006
- January 2007
- September 2007
- June 2009

Monday, July 03, 2006
- Oahu: Paradise Vacation
- Quilly Cooks
- Matthew 28:19
- Bits of Me in Poetry
- The Grown-Ups Wanted Us Dead
- Blog Surfers Anonymous
- O'Ceallaigh's Felloffatruck Publications
- Annals of A Snow Bird
- As I Was Passing
- Belle of The Brawl
- Brooke's Musings
- Chronicles of Cindra
- The Chrysalis Stage
- Controlled Chaos
- Donnak's Blog
- Dr. John's Fortress
- A Dragon's Wish
- Glimpses Intangible
- Highland Dreams
- The Ice Queen
- The Old Fart's Blog
- Old Fart's Furry Family
- The Southern View
- Tom's Rhetoric
- Treemendous
- A Twist of Humor
- Up the Hudson ...
- Venusberg
- Waking Ambrose
- The Bestest Blog of All Time

So the 4th of July arrived early at your house.
Glad the air conditioning is back!
Have a great day! - Laters ... Q
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